Interface PathPlugin<T>

Type Parameters:
T -
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDetectionPlugin, AbstractInteractivePlugin, AbstractPlugin, AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin, CellCountsCV, CoherenceFeaturePlugin, DelaunayClusteringPlugin, DetectCytokeratinCV, DilateAnnotationPlugin, DoGSuperpixelsPlugin, FillAnnotationHolesPlugin, FindConvexHullDetectionsPlugin, HaralickFeaturesPlugin, ImageJMacroRunner, IntensityFeaturesPlugin, LocalBinaryPatternsPlugin, PositiveCellDetection, PositivePixelCounterIJ, RefineAnnotationsPlugin, ShapeFeaturesPlugin, SimpleTissueDetection2, SLICSuperpixelsPlugin, SmoothFeaturesPlugin, SplitAnnotationsPlugin, SubcellularDetection, TileClassificationsToAnnotationsPlugin, TilerPlugin, TMADearrayerPluginIJ, WatershedCellDetection, WatershedCellMembraneDetection, WatershedNucleiCV

public interface PathPlugin<T>
Primary interface for defining a 'plugin' command.

Although the interface is very basic, developers wanting to create new plugins should general start by modifying an existing plugin that does something similar.

By paying attention to the type hierarchy and making use of the most appropriate interfaces/abstract classes, it is possible to get quite a bit of functionality 'for free', including scriptability and parallelization with appropriate calls to update the object hierarchy.

Pete Bankhead
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the plugin for display.

      This should be descriptive and, above all, short - as it may be used for menu item names & dialog box titles.

    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get a brief description of the plugin's purpose & operation.

      If no description is provided, this may return null.

    • runPlugin

      boolean runPlugin(TaskRunner taskRunner, ImageData<T> imageData, String arg)
      Run the plugin. A PluginRunner may be provided that this plugin can use to update the user on its progress.

      Note: This command should block until it has completed processing.

      taskRunner -
      arg -
    • getLastResultsDescription

      String getLastResultsDescription()
      (Optional) short one-line description of the results, e.g. to say how many objects detected. GUIs may choose to display this on a label during interactive processing.