Interface PathInteractivePlugin<T>

Type Parameters:
T -
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDetectionPlugin, AbstractInteractivePlugin, AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin, CellCountsCV, CoherenceFeaturePlugin, DelaunayClusteringPlugin, DetectCytokeratinCV, DilateAnnotationPlugin, DoGSuperpixelsPlugin, FillAnnotationHolesPlugin, FindConvexHullDetectionsPlugin, HaralickFeaturesPlugin, IntensityFeaturesPlugin, LocalBinaryPatternsPlugin, PositiveCellDetection, PositivePixelCounterIJ, RefineAnnotationsPlugin, ShapeFeaturesPlugin, SimpleTissueDetection2, SLICSuperpixelsPlugin, SmoothFeaturesPlugin, SplitAnnotationsPlugin, SubcellularDetection, TileClassificationsToAnnotationsPlugin, TilerPlugin, TMADearrayerPluginIJ, WatershedCellDetection, WatershedCellMembraneDetection, WatershedNucleiCV

public interface PathInteractivePlugin<T> extends PathPlugin<T>
Interface to define a PathPlugin that requires a list of (user-adjustable) parameters.

By using this interface, QuPath is able to show a standardized dialog box within which the parameters are set.

Pete Bankhead
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultParameterList

      ParameterList getDefaultParameterList(ImageData<T> imageData)
      This should return a default ParameterList. Each time the method is invoked, a new ParameterList should be created.
      imageData -
    • getSupportedParentObjectClasses

      Collection<Class<? extends PathObject>> getSupportedParentObjectClasses()
      Get a collection of possible parent objects that the plugin could have. This may be used, for example, to specified that analysis may be applied to any/all TMA cores or annotations. If no parent objects are required, PathRootObject.class should be returned in the list.
    • alwaysPromptForObjects

      boolean alwaysPromptForObjects()
      If this returns true, then a prompt is requested every time the command is run - even if there are valid parent objects already selected.