Class WatershedCellDetection
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
To automatically classify cells as positive or negative along with detection, see PositiveCellDetection
To quantify membranous staining see WatershedCellMembraneDetection
- Author:
- Pete Bankhead
Field Summary
Fields -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ObjectDetector<BufferedImage>
(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, ParameterList params) Create a new ObjectDetector, compatible with the specified ImageData and ParameterList.static boolean
Get whether debug mode is on or off.getDefaultParameterList
(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData) This should return a default ParameterList containing any information that is needed to repeat the task exactly.Get a brief description of the plugin's purpose & operation.(Optional) short one-line description of the results, e.g.getName()
Get the name of the plugin for display.protected double
(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, ParameterList params) Get the preferred pixel size that would be used for the specified ImageData and ParameterList.protected int
(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, ParameterList params) Get an appropriate overlap, in pixels, if analysis of the specified ImageData will be tiled.protected boolean
(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, String arg) Parse the input argument, returning 'true' if the argument is valid and it's possible to run the plugin.static void
(boolean debug) Set whether to use debug mode.Methods inherited from class qupath.lib.plugins.AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin
Methods inherited from class qupath.lib.plugins.AbstractDetectionPlugin
getParentObjects, getSupportedParentObjectClasses
Methods inherited from class qupath.lib.plugins.AbstractInteractivePlugin
alwaysPromptForObjects, getLoggableParameters, getParameterList
Methods inherited from class qupath.lib.plugins.AbstractPlugin
addWorkflowStep, getTasks, postprocess, preprocess, rearrangeByStride, requestHierarchyUpdate, runPlugin
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface qupath.lib.plugins.PathPlugin
Field Details
protected boolean parametersInitialized
Constructor Details
public WatershedCellDetection()
Method Details
public static void setDebugMode(boolean debug) Set whether to use debug mode. If this is on, images will be shown during processing to visualize how the algorithm is working at each stage.- Parameters:
-- See Also:
public static boolean getDebugMode()Get whether debug mode is on or off.- Returns:
- See Also:
Description copied from class:AbstractPlugin
Parse the input argument, returning 'true' if the argument is valid and it's possible to run the plugin.This is called from within runPlugin. If it returns 'true', getTasks will be called and then runTasks will submit these to the plugin runner to run. If it returns 'false', runPlugin will immediately abort and return false as well. Since this could result in some internal variables changed (e.g. a ParameterList), implementing classes can't be assumed to be thread-safe; plugins should be created and called from a single thread, although they may use multiple threads (via a PluginRunner) to complete their tasks.
- Overrides:
in classAbstractInteractivePlugin<BufferedImage>
- Returns:
Description copied from class:AbstractInteractivePlugin
This should return a default ParameterList containing any information that is needed to repeat the task exactly.- Specified by:
in interfacePathInteractivePlugin<BufferedImage>
- Specified by:
in classAbstractInteractivePlugin<BufferedImage>
- Returns:
Description copied from interface:PathPlugin
Get the name of the plugin for display.This should be descriptive and, above all, short - as it may be used for menu item names & dialog box titles.
- Returns:
Description copied from interface:PathPlugin
(Optional) short one-line description of the results, e.g. to say how many objects detected. GUIs may choose to display this on a label during interactive processing.- Returns:
Description copied from interface:PathPlugin
Get a brief description of the plugin's purpose & operation.If no description is provided, this may return null.
- Returns:
protected double getPreferredPixelSizeMicrons(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, ParameterList params) Description copied from class:AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin
Get the preferred pixel size that would be used for the specified ImageData and ParameterList.This is useful in deciding whether to break large regions into smaller, parallelizable tiles.
- Specified by:
in classAbstractTileableDetectionPlugin<BufferedImage>
- Returns:
protected ObjectDetector<BufferedImage> createDetector(ImageData<BufferedImage> imageData, ParameterList params) Description copied from class:AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin
Create a new ObjectDetector, compatible with the specified ImageData and ParameterList.- Specified by:
in classAbstractTileableDetectionPlugin<BufferedImage>
- Returns:
Description copied from class:AbstractTileableDetectionPlugin
Get an appropriate overlap, in pixels, if analysis of the specified ImageData will be tiled.If the overlap is 0, then tile boundaries are likely to be visible in the results.
If the overlap is > 0, then the overlap should also be > the expected largest size of a detected object - otherwise objects may be lost of trimmed when overlaps are resolved. This is because (currently) the resolution of overlapping detections involves taking the largest one, rather than (for example) merging them.
(Merging may be permitted in later versions, but only where measurements are not made by the plugin - since merged objects may require different measurements, e.g. for area or mean than can be easily computed in a general way from the individual objects being merged).
- Specified by:
in classAbstractTileableDetectionPlugin<BufferedImage>
- Returns:
- The overlap size in pixels, or 0 if overlapped tiles are not supported.