Module qupath.fx

Class PreferenceManager


public class PreferenceManager extends Object
A utility class for managing preferences in a JavaFX application.

This class provides a number of methods for creating properties that are backed by a Preferences object. The properties can be reset to their default values by calling reset(), and persistent properties can have their values reloaded from the backing store by calling reload().

Note that save() should be called to ensure that any changes to persistent properties are saved to the backing store before the host application is closed.

  • Property Details

    • preferences

      public<Preferences> preferencesProperty
      Get a read-only property containing the Preferences object backing this PreferenceManager. This property can be used to observe changes to the backing preferences object, which occur if the preferences are reset.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static PreferenceManager create(Preferences preferences)
      Create preference manager using the provided preferences object as the backing store.
      preferences -
      a new preference manager instance
    • createForUserPreferences

      public static PreferenceManager createForUserPreferences(String pathName)
      Create a preference manager using the provided path name to create a user preferences node.
      pathName -
      a new preference manager instance
    • createForSystemPreferences

      public static PreferenceManager createForSystemPreferences(String pathName)
      Create a preference manager using the provided path name to create a system preferences node.
      pathName -
      a new preference manager instance
    • getPreferences

      public Preferences getPreferences()
      Get the Preferences object backing this PreferenceManager.

      Note that the preferences object returned by this method must not be retained and reused, because it may be invalidated by a call to reset(). Rather, as far as possible other methods of this class should be used rather than accessing the Preferences directly.

      * @return
    • preferencesProperty

      public<Preferences> preferencesProperty()
      Get a read-only property containing the Preferences object backing this PreferenceManager. This property can be used to observe changes to the backing preferences object, which occur if the preferences are reset.
      See Also:
    • reset

      public void reset() throws BackingStoreException
      Request that persistent and transient properties created from this manager have their values reset to their defaults.
    • reload

      public void reload()
      Request that all properties associated with persistent preferences have their values reloaded from the backing store.
    • save

      public void save() throws BackingStoreException
      Save the preferences to the backing store.
    • toXml

      public String toXml() throws IOException, BackingStoreException
      Dump the current preferences to an XML string.
    • createPersistentBooleanProperty

      public createPersistentBooleanProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Create a boolean property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientBooleanProperty

      public createTransientBooleanProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Create a boolean property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentIntegerProperty

      public createPersistentIntegerProperty(String key, int defaultValue)
      Create an integer property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientIntegerProperty

      public createTransientIntegerProperty(String key, int defaultValue)
      Create an integer property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentFloatProperty

      public createPersistentFloatProperty(String key, float defaultValue)
      Create a float property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientFloatProperty

      public createTransientFloatProperty(String key, float defaultValue)
      Create a float property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentDoubleProperty

      public createPersistentDoubleProperty(String key, double defaultValue)
      Create a double property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientDoubleProperty

      public createTransientDoubleProperty(String key, double defaultValue)
      Create a double property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentLongProperty

      public createPersistentLongProperty(String key, long defaultValue)
      Create a long property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientLongProperty

      public createTransientLongProperty(String key, long defaultValue)
      Create a double property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentStringProperty

      public createPersistentStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue)
      Create a String property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createTransientStringProperty

      public createTransientStringProperty(String key, String defaultValue)
      Create a String property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property
    • createPersistentEnumProperty

      public <T extends Enum><T> createPersistentEnumProperty(String key, T defaultValue, Class<T> enumType)
      Create an enum property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the enum type
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      enumType - the enum type, required for conversion to/from a preference string
      the property
    • createPersistentEnumProperty

      public <T extends Enum><T> createPersistentEnumProperty(String key, T defaultValue)
      Create an enum property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the enum type
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called. The enum type is inferred from the default value, which must not be null.
      the property
    • createPersistentPathProperty

      public<Path> createPersistentPathProperty(String key, Path defaultValue)
      Create a property storing a Path object that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createPersistentFileProperty

      public<File> createPersistentFileProperty(String key, File defaultValue)
      Create a property storing a File object that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createPersistentUriProperty

      public<URI> createPersistentUriProperty(String key, URI defaultValue)
      Create a property storing a URI that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createPersistentLocaleProperty

      public<Locale> createPersistentLocaleProperty(String key, Locale defaultValue)
      Create a property storing a Locale that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      the property
    • createPersistentObjectProperty

      public <T><T> createPersistentObjectProperty(String key, T defaultValue, javafx.util.StringConverter<T> converter)
      Create an object property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key and converter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the property type
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      converter - a string converter to assist with conversion to/from a preference string
      the property
    • createPersistentObjectProperty

      public <T><T> createPersistentObjectProperty(String key, T defaultValue, Function<T,String> serializer, Function<String,T> deserializer)
      Create an object property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key. This is an alternative method to call #createPersistentObjectProperty(String, Object, StringConverter) that uses a pair of functions for serialization and deserialization.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the property type
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value; used if the property is not found in the backing store, or if reset() is called.
      serializer - method to convert the default value to a string
      deserializer - method to convert the string value to a property value
      the property
    • createTransientObjectProperty

      public <T><T> createTransientObjectProperty(String key, T defaultValue)
      Create an object property that is not persisted to the backing store. It can still be reset to its default value upon a call to reset().
      Type Parameters:
      T - the property type
      key - key used to store the property value, and used for the property name
      defaultValue - default property value
      the property