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addAnnotatedProperties(Object) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Install properties that are the public fields of an object, configured using annotations.
addCloseWindowShortcuts(Stage) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Add shortcuts to close a window using the standard shortcuts (Shortcut+W, Esc).
addCloseWindowShortcuts(Stage, Collection<? extends KeyCombination>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Add shortcuts to close a window using the specified key combinations.
addGridRow(GridPane, int, int, String, Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Add a row of nodes.
addItems(Collection<? extends PropertySheet.Item>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Add a colleciton of pre-existing items to the property sheet.
addItems(PropertySheet.Item...) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Add one or more pre-existing items to the property sheet.
alertType(Alert.AlertType) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Create a dialog styled as a specified alert type.
availableLanguagesOnly() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.LocalePref
Request that the locales are restricted to only those recognized as available (e.g.


bindSliderAndTextField(Slider, TextField, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field with a default number of decimal places, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.
bindSliderAndTextField(Slider, TextField, boolean, int) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.
BooleanPref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for an boolean preference.
build() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Build the dialog.
build() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Build the chooser using the specified options.
build() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Build the property item.
build() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Build the property sheet.
buildDirectoryChooser() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Create a builder to build a customized JavaFX DirectoryChooser.
builder() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Create a new builder to generate a custom dialog.
Builder() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
buildFileChooser() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Create a builder to build a customized JavaFX FileChooser.
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.BooleanPref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.ColorPref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.DirectoryPref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.DoublePref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.FilePref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.IntegerPref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.LocalePref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.Pref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.PrefCategory
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.StringPref
Optional bundle for externalized string
bundle(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the resource bundle name, if required.
buttons(String...) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the buttons to display in the dialog.
buttons(ButtonType...) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the buttons to display in the dialog.


call(PropertySheet.Item) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
callOnApplicationThread(Callable<T>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Return a result after executing a Callable on the JavaFX Platform thread.
category(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Support fluent interface to define a category.
category(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the category directly, using a non-localizes string.
categoryKey(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the resource bundle key for the category.
categoryKey(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
CHOICE - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
ChoiceEditor<T> - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors
Editor for choosing from a combo box, which will use an observable list directly if it can (which differs from ControlsFX's default behavior).
ChoiceEditor(PropertySheet.Item, Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.ChoiceEditor
ChoiceEditor(PropertySheet.Item, ObservableList<T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.ChoiceEditor
choiceMethod() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.Pref
Name of a method that can be invoked to get a list of available choices.
ChoicePropertyItem<T> - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
ChoicePropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<T>, ObservableList<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ChoicePropertyItem
ChoicePropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<T>, ObservableList<T>, Class<? extends T>, boolean) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ChoicePropertyItem
choices(Collection<T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Provide a collection of choices for a choice property.
choices(ObservableList<T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Provide an observable list of choices for a choice property.
CircularSlider - Class in qupath.fx.controls
A custom JavaFX circular-slider control.
CircularSlider() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Create a circular slider
COLOR - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
ColorPref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for an color preference, represented as a packed integer.
ColorPropertyItem - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
ColorPropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, IntegerProperty) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ColorPropertyItem
confirmation() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Create an confirmation alert dialog.
content(Node) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify a Node to display within the dialog.
contentText(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog content text.
create(Preferences) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create preference manager using the provided preferences object as the backing store.
createColumnGrid(int) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Create a GridPane containing columns that resize similarly to Swing's GridLayout().
createColumnGrid(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Create a GridPane containing columns that resize similarly to Swing's GridLayout().
createColumnGridControls(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Create a GridPane containing columns that resize similarly to Swing's GridLayout(), where controls have their widths bound to their parent.
createCustomListCell(Function<T, String>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text for a specific object.
createCustomListCell(Function<T, String>, Function<T, Node>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text and a graphic for a specific object.
createDefaultPropertySheet() - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
Create a property sheet with the default mode (CATEGORY) and editor factory.
createDefaultSkin() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
createDynamicStepSpinner(double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Create a new Spinner for double values with a step size that adapts according to the absolute value of the current spinner value.
createExtensionFilter(String, String...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Convenience method to create a FileChooser.ExtensionFilter instance from a description and array of extensions.
createExtensionFilter(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Convenience method to create a FileChooser.ExtensionFilter instance from a description and collection of extensions.
createForSystemPreferences(String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a preference manager using the provided path name to create a system preferences node.
createForUserPreferences(String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a preference manager using the provided path name to create a user preferences node.
createInstance(String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Create an instance.
createInstance(String, ResourceBundle.Control) - Static method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Create an instance, optionally providing an alternative Control to handle identifying resource bundles.
createPersistentBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a boolean property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentDoubleProperty(String, double) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a double property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentEnumProperty(String, T) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an enum property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentEnumProperty(String, T, Class<T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an enum property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentFileProperty(String, File) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a property storing a File object that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentFloatProperty(String, float) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a float property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentIntegerProperty(String, int) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an integer property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentLocaleProperty(String, Locale) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a property storing a Locale that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentLongProperty(String, long) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a long property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentObjectProperty(String, T, Function<T, String>, Function<String, T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an object property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentObjectProperty(String, T, StringConverter<T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an object property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key and converter.
createPersistentPathProperty(String, Path) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a property storing a Path object that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentStringProperty(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a String property that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createPersistentUriProperty(String, URI) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a property storing a URI that is persisted to the backing store with the specified key.
createProperty(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
createProperty(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
createPropertySheetItem(Property<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
Create a default PropertySheet.Item for a generic property.
createRowGrid(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Create a GridPane containing rows that resize similarly to Swing's GridLayout().
createRowGridControls(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Create a GridPane containing columns that resize similarly to Swing's GridLayout(), while also resizing contained objects to have the corresponding widths.
createStepBinding(ObservableValue<Double>, double, int) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Create a binding that may be used with a Spinner to adjust the step size dynamically based upon the absolute value of the input.
createTransientBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a boolean property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientDoubleProperty(String, double) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a double property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientFloatProperty(String, float) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a float property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientIntegerProperty(String, int) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an integer property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientLongProperty(String, long) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a double property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientObjectProperty(String, T) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create an object property that is not persisted to the backing store.
createTransientStringProperty(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Create a String property that is not persisted to the backing store.


DefaultPropertyItem<T> - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
DefaultPropertyItem(Property<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
DefaultPropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
description(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Support fluent interface to set the description.
description(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the description directly, using a non-localized string.
descriptionProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Dialogs - Class in qupath.fx.dialogs
Collection of static methods to help with showing information to a user, as well as requesting some basic input.
Dialogs() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Dialogs.Builder - Class in qupath.fx.dialogs
Builder class to create a custom Dialog.
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
DirectoryEditor - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors
Editor for selecting directory paths.
DirectoryEditor(PropertySheet.Item) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.DirectoryEditor
DirectoryPref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a directory preference.
DirectoryPropertyItem - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
Create a property item that handles directories based on String paths.
DirectoryPropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<String>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DirectoryPropertyItem
DoublePref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a double preference.


editorFactory(Callback<PropertySheet.Item, PropertyEditor<?>>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Set the property editor factory to use.
ENUM_REFORMATTER - Variable in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
A default reformatter that can be used to show enums in a nicer way (i.e.
EnumConverter<T extends Enum> - Class in qupath.fx.utils.converters
General StringConverter for enums.
EnumConverter(Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.EnumConverter
error() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Create an error alert dialog.
expandableContent(Node) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify a Node to display within the dialog as expandable content, not initially visible.
extensionFilter(String, String...) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set a single extension filter for the chooser from a description and array of extensions.
extensionFilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set a single extension filter for the chooser from a description and collection of extensions.
extensionFilters - Variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
extensionFilters(Collection<? extends FileChooser.ExtensionFilter>) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set zero or more file extension filters for the chooser from a collection.
extensionFilters(Collection<? extends FileChooser.ExtensionFilter>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Provide a collection of file extension filters to use with a file property.
extensionFilters(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set zero or more file extension filters for the chooser.
extensions() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.FilePref
Optional array of supported file extensions.


FILE - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
FileChoosers - Class in qupath.fx.dialogs
Helper class for creating and displaying JavaFX file choosers.
FileChoosers() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
FileChoosers.Builder<T> - Class in qupath.fx.dialogs
Abstract base class for builders for JavaFX FileChooser and DirectoryChooser.
FileConverter - Class in qupath.fx.utils.converters
General StringConverter for File objects, using their default string representation.
FileConverter() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.FileConverter
FileEditor - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors
Editor for selecting directory paths.
FileEditor(PropertySheet.Item) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.FileEditor
FileEditor(PropertySheet.Item, Collection<? extends FileChooser.ExtensionFilter>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.FileEditor
FilePref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a file preference.
FilePropertyItem - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
Create a property item that handles files based on String paths.
FilePropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<String>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
FilePropertyItem(LocalizedResourceManager, Property<String>, Collection<? extends FileChooser.ExtensionFilter>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
FILTER_ALL_FILES - Static variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Extension filter that accepts all files.
fromString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.EnumConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.FileConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.LocaleConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.PathConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.UriConverter
FXUtils - Class in qupath.fx.utils
Static utility methods to help when working with JavaFX.
FXUtils() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils


GENERAL - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
getAllLocales() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Get an observable list of all locales identified by the JVM.
getAvailableLocales() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Get an observable list of all locales identified by the JVM that match the current predicate.
getCategory() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
getChoices() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ChoicePropertyItem
getContents(Parent, Collection<Node>, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the nodes that are included within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively.
getContentsOfType(Parent, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the nodes of type T that are contained within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively.
getDefaultBundleName() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Get the default bundle name to use where a bundle is not specified.
getDescription() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Gets the value of the property description.
getDisplayLocale() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Get the display locale, as stored in this snapshot.
getEditor(PropertySheet.Item) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
Get the editor associated with a particular item, assuming it has already been created and cached by this factory.
getExtensionFilters() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
Get extension filters to use.
getFilePathProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
Get the string property that represents the file path.
getFormatLocale() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Get the format locale, as stored in this snapshot.
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get whether the filter should ignore case or not.
getKnownFileExtensions() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Get a modifiable list of known file extensions.
getMainLocale() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Get the main locale, as stored in this snapshot.
getMaxOverlapScreen(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
getMaxOverlapScreen(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
getName() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Gets the value of the property name.
getObservableValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.ChoiceEditor
getObservableValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.DirectoryEditor
getObservableValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
getObservableValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ColorPropertyItem
getObservableValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
getPredicate() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the predicate.
getPreferences() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Get the Preferences object backing this PreferenceManager.
getPrimaryWindow() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Get the primary window.
getPromptText() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the prompt text to show when the text field is empty.
getScreen(Node) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the screen that contains a node, or null if no screen contains the node.
getScreen(Window) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the screen that contains a window, or null if no screen contains the window.
getString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Get a string from the default bundle.
getString(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Get a string from a specified bundle.
getStringFunction() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the string function used to create a string representation of the object.
getText() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the filter text.
getTextArea() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
getTickSpacing() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
getType() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
getType() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ColorPropertyItem
getType() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
getUseRegex() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get whether the filter should use regular expressions or not.
getValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
getValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
getValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ColorPropertyItem
getValue() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
getWindow(Node) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Get the Window containing a specific Node.
GridPaneUtils - Class in qupath.fx.utils
Assorted static functions to help when working with a JavaFX panes.
GridPaneUtils() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils


handle(InputEvent) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay
hasChanged() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Check whether this snapshot corresponds to the current locale settings.
hasString(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Query whether a string is available in the default bundle.
hasString(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Query whether a string is available in the specified bundle.
headerText(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog header text.
height(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog height.
hide() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay


ignoreCaseProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Property determining whether the filter should ignore case or not.
information() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Create an information alert dialog.
initialDirectory - Variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
initialDirectory(File) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set the initial directory for the chooser.
initialFile(File) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Specify the initial file.
initialFileName - Variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
initialFileName(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set the initial file name to be selected in the chooser.
InputDisplay - Class in qupath.fx.controls
Control to display mouse and keyboard input when interacting with a window.
InputDisplay(Window) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay
Create an input display with the specified owner window.
InputDisplay(Window, ObservableList<? extends Window>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay
Create an input display with the specified owner window and list of windows to listen to.
installSelectAllOrNoneMenu(CheckComboBox<?>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Add a context menu to a CheckComboBox to quickly select all items, or clear selection.
IntegerPref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for an integer preference.
isSnapToTicks() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider


key(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the resource bundle key for the category.
key(String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem


layoutChildren() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
LocaleConverter - Class in qupath.fx.utils.converters
General StringConverter for Locale objects, using their display name representation in a specified base locale.
LocaleConverter() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.LocaleConverter
Create a new converter using the US locale as the base.
LocaleConverter(Locale) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.LocaleConverter
Create a new converter using the specified locale as the base.
LocaleManager - Class in qupath.fx.localization
Manage available locales, with consistent display and string conversion.
LocaleManager() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Create a new locale manager using the default US base locale and considering locales identified by the JVM as being available.
LocaleManager(Predicate<Locale>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Create a new locale manager using the default US base locale and specified predicate to determine which locales should be available to the user, applied to the list of all locales identified by the JVM.
LocaleManager(Locale, Predicate<Locale>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Create a new locale manager using the specified base locale and predicate to determine which locales should be available to the user, applied to the list of all locales identified by the JVM.
LocalePref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a locale preference.
LocaleSnapshot - Class in qupath.fx.localization
Snapshot of the current locale settings, including the main, display and format locales.
LocaleSnapshot() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Create a new snapshot of the current locale settings.
LocalizedResourceManager - Class in qupath.fx.localization
Class to manage the use of localized strings with JavaFX properties.


main(String[]) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
main(String[]) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Method for interactive testing, that shows a save dialog with a multi-extension filter.
makeDraggableStage(Stage) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Make a stage moveable by click and drag on the scene.
makeSearchable() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ChoicePropertyItem
makeTabUndockable(Tab) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Make a tab undockable, via a context menu available on right-click.
modality(Modality) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the modality of the dialog.


name(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Support fluent interface to set the name.
name(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the name directly, using a non-localized string.
nameProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
nonModal() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify that the dialog should be non-modal.


onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends T>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.ChoiceEditor
owner(Window) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog owner.


parseAnnotatedItems(Object) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemParser
Parse all the JavaFX properties with annotations (e.g.
parseAnnotatedItems(Object) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
Parse the annotated properties of an object into a list of PropertySheet.Item objects.
parseAnnotatedItemsWithResources(LocalizedResourceManager, Object) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
Parse the annotated properties of an object into a list of PropertySheet.Item objects, while setting the localized resource manager of the parser.
parser(PropertyItemParser) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Set the parser to use.
PathConverter - Class in qupath.fx.utils.converters
General StringConverter for Path objects, using their default string representation.
PathConverter() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.PathConverter
pathToFile(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
Method to convert a string path to a file object.
predicateProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Read only property representing the predicate.
PredicateTextField<T> - Class in qupath.fx.controls
A text field control for creating a text-based predicate.
PredicateTextField() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Constructor to create a new predicate text field using the default Objects.toString(Object) method to create a string representation of the object.
PredicateTextField(Function<T, String>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Constructor to create a new predicate text field with a custom string function.
Pref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a general preference.
PrefCategory - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for a preference category.
PreferenceManager - Class in qupath.fx.prefs
A utility class for managing preferences in a JavaFX application.
preferencesProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Get a read-only property containing the Preferences object backing this PreferenceManager.
prefHeight(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the preferred height of the dialog pane.
prefWidth(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the preferred width of the dialog pane.
promptForDirectory() - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a directory chooser that prompts the user to select a single directory, using a default title and initial directory.
promptForDirectory(String, File) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a directory chooser that prompts the user to select a single directory.
promptForDirectory(Window, String, File) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a directory chooser that prompts the user to select a single directory, with an optional parent window and title.
promptForFile(String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to a select a file.
promptForFile(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to a select a file, using the default title for an 'Open file' dialog.
promptForFile(Window, String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to a select a file, with an optional parent window and title.
promptForFilePathOrURI(String, String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to select a file path or URI.
promptForFilePathOrURI(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to select a file path or URI, using a default title.
promptForFilePathOrURI(Window, String, String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt the user to select a file path or URI, with an optional owner window and title.
promptForMultipleFiles(String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a file chooser that prompts the user to select multiple files.
promptForMultipleFiles(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a file chooser that prompts the user to select multiple files, using a default title.
promptForMultipleFiles(Window, String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Show a file chooser that prompts the user to select multiple files, with an optional parent window and title.
promptProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.PropertyItem
Optional prompt property, which can be displayed in empty text fields.
promptTextProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the prompt text to show in the text field.
promptToSaveFile(String, File, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt user to select a file to save, with an optional parent window and title.
promptToSaveFile(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt user to select a file to save, using the default title.
promptToSaveFile(Window, String, File, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
Prompt user to select a file to save, with an optional owner window and title.
PropertyEditorFactory - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
Extends DefaultPropertyEditorFactory from ControlsFX to offer more editors, including for directories, choices, locales, and choices from a searchable list.
PropertyEditorFactory() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
PropertyItem - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
Base implementation of PropertySheet.Item.
PropertyItemBuilder<T> - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
Builder class for creating PropertySheet.Item instances, using a fluent interface and optionally supporting localized strings.
PropertyItemBuilder(Property<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Create a new builder for a property.
PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType - Enum Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
PropertyItemParser - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
A parser for JavaFX properties annotated with Pref and related annotations.
PropertyItemParser() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemParser
PropertySheetBuilder - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
Helper class for building a ControlsFX PropertySheet.
PropertySheetBuilder() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetBuilder
Create a builder for a default
PropertySheetUtils - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
Static untility methods for working with PropertySheet objects.
PropertySheetUtils() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
propertyType(PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the type of the property to create.


qupath.fx - module qupath.fx
qupath.fx.controls - package qupath.fx.controls
Custom JavaFX controls for specific tasks.
qupath.fx.dialogs - package qupath.fx.dialogs
Helper classes for generating dialogs, notifications and file or directory choosers.
qupath.fx.localization - package qupath.fx.localization
Support to create JavaFX properties backed by externalized strings, and that can be refreshed on demand (e.g.
qupath.fx.prefs - package qupath.fx.prefs
Create and manage JavaFX properties that can be made persistent using the Java Preferences API.
qupath.fx.prefs.annotations - package qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotations to assist with defining preferences.
qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx - package qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx
qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors - package qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors
qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items - package qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items
qupath.fx.utils - package qupath.fx.utils
Utility functions to help with JavaFX.
qupath.fx.utils.converters - package qupath.fx.utils.converters
Implementations of a JavaFX StringConverter for common types.


refresh() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleSnapshot
Refresh the snapshot to the current locale settings.
refresh() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Refresh all string properties associated with this manager.
refreshAllListsAndTables() - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found throughout the application.
refreshAllListsAndTables(Parent) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found under a parent component, searching recursively.
refreshAvailableLocales() - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocaleManager
Refresh the list of available locales, based on the current predicate.
refreshEditors(PropertySheet) - Static method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertySheetUtils
Refresh the editors in a PropertySheet.
registerProperty(StringProperty, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Register a string property from the default resource bundle that should be updated when the locale changes.
registerProperty(StringProperty, String, String) - Method in class qupath.fx.localization.LocalizedResourceManager
Register a string property that should be updated when the locale changes.
reload() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Request that all properties associated with persistent preferences have their values reloaded from the backing store.
reset() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Request that persistent and transient properties created from this manager have their values reset to their defaults.
resetSpinnerNullToPrevious(Spinner<T>) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Add a listener to the value of a spinner, resetting it to its previous value if it becomes null.
resizable() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Make the dialog resizable (but default it is not).
resourceManager(LocalizedResourceManager) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder
Set the resource manager to use for localization.
restrictTextFieldInputToNumber(TextField, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Restrict the TextField input to positive/negative integer (or double) format (including scientific notation).
retainWindowPosition(Window) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Request that a window retains its position and size even when hidden.
rotationProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
runOnApplicationThread(Runnable) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Run on the application thread and wait until this is complete.


save() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Save the preferences to the backing store.
SEARCHABLE_CHOICE - Enum constant in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
SearchableChoiceEditor<T> - Class in qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors
Editor for choosing from a longer list of items, aided by a searchable combo box.
SearchableChoiceEditor(PropertySheet.Item, Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.SearchableChoiceEditor
SearchableChoiceEditor(PropertySheet.Item, ObservableList<T>) - Constructor for class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.SearchableChoiceEditor
selectedExtensionFilter - Variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
selectedExtensionFilter(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Specify which extension filter should be selected by default.
setFillHeight(Boolean, Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the GridPane.setFillHeight(Node, Boolean) property for specified nodes.
setFillWidth(Boolean, Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the GridPane.setFillWidth(Node, Boolean) property for specified nodes.
setHGrowPriority(Priority, Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the GridPane.setHgrow(Node, Priority) property for specified nodes.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set whether the filter should ignore case or not.
setLocaleManager(LocaleManager) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemParser
Set the locale manager.
setMaxHeight(double, Region...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the max height property for the specified regions.
setMaxWidth(double, Region...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the max width property for the specified regions.
setMinHeight(double, Region...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the min height property for the specified regions.
setMinWidth(double, Region...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the min width property for the specified regions.
setPrimaryWindow(Window) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Set the primary window, which will be used as the owner of dialogs if no other window takes precedence (e.g.
setPromptText(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set the prompt text to show when the text field is empty.
setReformatEnums(Class<? extends Enum>...) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
Request that editors created with this factory reformat the default string display of the specified enums using the default reformatting method.
setReformatType(Class<?>, Function<?, String>) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyEditorFactory
Request that editors created with this factory reformat the display of the specified type.
setResourceManager(LocalizedResourceManager) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemParser
Set the resource manager.
setShowRegexButton() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get whether a button should be shown that enables the user to toggle the use of * regular expressions.
setShowRegexButton(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set whether a button should be shown that enables the user to toggle the use of regular expressions.
setShowTickMarks(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Set whether to show tick marks
setShowValue(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Set whether to display the angle
setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Set whether to snap to ticks
setStringFunction(Function<T, String>) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set the string function used to create a string representation of the object.
setText(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set the filter text.
setTickSpacing(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Set the number of degrees between tick marks
setToExpandGridPaneHeight(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set constraints and max width values (where possible) so that the specified nodes fill all available vertical space in a GridPane.
setToExpandGridPaneWidth(Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set constraints and max width values (where possible) so that the specified nodes fill all available horizontal space in a GridPane.
setUseRegex(boolean) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Set whether the filter should use regular expressions or not.
setValue(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.CircularSlider
Set rotation value in degrees
setValue(File) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.DirectoryEditor
setValue(Object) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.FilePropertyItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.ColorPropertyItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.items.DefaultPropertyItem
setValue(T) - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.editors.ChoiceEditor
setVGrowPriority(Priority, Node...) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.GridPaneUtils
Set the GridPane.setVgrow(Node, Priority) property for specified nodes.
show() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay
show() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Show the dialog.
showAndWait() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Show the dialog.
showChoiceDialog(String, String, Collection<T>, T) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a choice dialog with a collection of choices (selection from ComboBox or similar).
showChoiceDialog(String, String, T[], T) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a choice dialog with an array of choices (selection from ComboBox or similar).
showConfirmDialog(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a confirm dialog (OK/Cancel).
showConfirmDialog(String, Node) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a confirm dialog (OK/Cancel).
showErrorMessage(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an error message.
showErrorMessage(String, Throwable) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an error message, displaying the localized message of a Throwable.
showErrorMessage(String, Node) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an error message, with the content defined within a Node.
showErrorNotification(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an error notification.
showErrorNotification(String, Throwable) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an error notification, displaying the localized message of a Throwable.
showInfoNotification(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an info notification.
showInputDialog(String, String, Double) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an input dialog requesting a numeric value.
showInputDialog(String, String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show an input dialog requesting a String input.
showMessageDialog(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a standard message dialog.
showMessageDialog(String, Node) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a message dialog (OK button only), with the content contained within a Node.
showPlainMessage(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a plain message.
showPlainNotification(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a plain notification.
showProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.InputDisplay
showRegexButtonProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Property determining whether the a button enabling the use of regular expressions should be shown or not.
showTextWindow(Window, String, String, Modality, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a window containing plain text, with the specified properties.
showWarningNotification(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a warning notification.
showYesNoCancelDialog(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a Yes/No/Cancel dialog.
showYesNoDialog(String, String) - Static method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs
Show a Yes/No dialog.
simplifyTitledPane(TitledPane, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.fx.utils.FXUtils
Simplify the appearance of a TitledPane using CSS.
size(double, double) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog height.
stringFunctionProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the string function property sed to create a string representation of the object.
StringPref - Annotation Interface in qupath.fx.prefs.annotations
Annotation for an String preference.


textProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Get the filter text property.
title(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog title.
title(String) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set the chooser title.
titleProperty - Variable in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
titleProperty(StringProperty) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers.Builder
Set the chooser title property.
toString(File) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.FileConverter
toString(URI) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.UriConverter
toString(Path) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.PathConverter
toString(Locale) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.LocaleConverter
toString(T) - Method in class qupath.fx.utils.converters.EnumConverter
toXml() - Method in class qupath.fx.prefs.PreferenceManager
Dump the current preferences to an XML string.
type() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.Pref
Type for the property


UriConverter - Class in qupath.fx.utils.converters
General StringConverter for URI objects, using their default string representation.
UriConverter() - Constructor for class qupath.fx.utils.converters.UriConverter
useRegexProperty() - Method in class qupath.fx.controls.PredicateTextField
Property determining whether the filter should use regular expressions or not.


value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.BooleanPref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.ColorPref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.DirectoryPref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.DoublePref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.FilePref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.IntegerPref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.LocalePref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.Pref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.PrefCategory
Key for externalized string that gives the name of the category
value() - Element in annotation interface qupath.fx.prefs.annotations.StringPref
Key for externalized string that gives the text of the preference
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class qupath.fx.prefs.controlsfx.PropertyItemBuilder.PropertyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


warning() - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Create a warning alert dialog.
width(double) - Method in class qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.Builder
Specify the dialog width.
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