Module qupath.fx

Class FXUtils


public class FXUtils extends Object
Static utility methods to help when working with JavaFX.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    addCloseWindowShortcuts(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
    Add shortcuts to close a window using the standard shortcuts (Shortcut+W, Esc).
    static void
    addCloseWindowShortcuts(javafx.stage.Stage stage, Collection<? extends javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination> keyCombinations)
    Add shortcuts to close a window using the specified key combinations.
    bindSliderAndTextField(javafx.scene.control.Slider slider, javafx.scene.control.TextField tf, boolean expandLimits)
    Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field with a default number of decimal places, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.
    bindSliderAndTextField(javafx.scene.control.Slider slider, javafx.scene.control.TextField tf, boolean expandLimits, int ndp)
    Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.
    static <T> T
    Return a result after executing a Callable on the JavaFX Platform thread.
    static <T> javafx.scene.control.ListCell<T>
    Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text for a specific object.
    static <T> javafx.scene.control.ListCell<T>
    createCustomListCell(Function<T,String> stringFun, Function<T,javafx.scene.Node> graphicFun)
    Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text and a graphic for a specific object.
    static javafx.scene.control.Spinner<Double>
    createDynamicStepSpinner(double minValue, double maxValue, double defaultValue, double minStepValue, int scale)
    Create a new Spinner for double values with a step size that adapts according to the absolute value of the current spinner value.
    static javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding
    createStepBinding(javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue<Double> value, double minStep, int scale)
    Create a binding that may be used with a Spinner to adjust the step size dynamically based upon the absolute value of the input.
    static Collection<javafx.scene.Node>
    getContents(javafx.scene.Parent parent, Collection<javafx.scene.Node> collection, boolean doRecursive)
    Get the nodes that are included within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively.
    static <T extends javafx.scene.Node>
    getContentsOfType(javafx.scene.Parent parent, Class<T> cls, boolean doRecursive)
    Get the nodes of type T that are contained within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively.
    static javafx.stage.Screen
    getMaxOverlapScreen(double x, double y, double width, double height)
    Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
    static javafx.stage.Screen
    getMaxOverlapScreen(javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D bounds)
    Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
    static javafx.stage.Screen
    getScreen(javafx.scene.Node node)
    Get the screen that contains a node, or null if no screen contains the node.
    static javafx.stage.Screen
    getScreen(javafx.stage.Window window)
    Get the screen that contains a window, or null if no screen contains the window.
    static javafx.stage.Window
    getWindow(javafx.scene.Node node)
    Get the Window containing a specific Node.
    static void
    installSelectAllOrNoneMenu(org.controlsfx.control.CheckComboBox<?> combo)
    Add a context menu to a CheckComboBox to quickly select all items, or clear selection.
    static void
    makeDraggableStage(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
    Make a stage moveable by click and drag on the scene.
    static void
    makeTabUndockable(javafx.scene.control.Tab tab)
    Make a tab undockable, via a context menu available on right-click.
    static void
    Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found throughout the application.
    static void
    refreshAllListsAndTables(javafx.scene.Parent parent)
    Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found under a parent component, searching recursively.
    static <T> void
    resetSpinnerNullToPrevious(javafx.scene.control.Spinner<T> spinner)
    Add a listener to the value of a spinner, resetting it to its previous value if it becomes null.
    static void
    restrictTextFieldInputToNumber(javafx.scene.control.TextField textField, boolean allowDecimals)
    Restrict the TextField input to positive/negative integer (or double) format (including scientific notation).
    static void
    retainWindowPosition(javafx.stage.Window window)
    Request that a window retains its position and size even when hidden.
    static void
    Run on the application thread and wait until this is complete.
    static void
    simplifyTitledPane(javafx.scene.control.TitledPane pane, boolean boldTitle)
    Simplify the appearance of a TitledPane using CSS.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • FXUtils

      public FXUtils()
  • Method Details

    • callOnApplicationThread

      public static <T> T callOnApplicationThread(Callable<T> callable)
      Return a result after executing a Callable on the JavaFX Platform thread.
      callable -
    • runOnApplicationThread

      public static void runOnApplicationThread(Runnable runnable)
      Run on the application thread and wait until this is complete.
      runnable -
    • getWindow

      public static javafx.stage.Window getWindow(javafx.scene.Node node)
      Get the Window containing a specific Node.
      node -
    • getScreen

      public static javafx.stage.Screen getScreen(javafx.scene.Node node)
      Get the screen that contains a node, or null if no screen contains the node. If the node spans across multiple screens, then the one with the largest overlap will be returned.
      node -
    • getScreen

      public static javafx.stage.Screen getScreen(javafx.stage.Window window)
      Get the screen that contains a window, or null if no screen contains the window. If the window spans across multiple screens, then the one with the largest overlap will be returned.
      window -
    • getMaxOverlapScreen

      public static javafx.stage.Screen getMaxOverlapScreen(double x, double y, double width, double height)
      Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
      x -
      y -
      width -
      height -
    • getMaxOverlapScreen

      public static javafx.stage.Screen getMaxOverlapScreen(javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D bounds)
      Get the screen that contains the largest overlap with the specified bounding rectangle, or null if no screen overlaps with the rectangle.
      bounds -
    • makeDraggableStage

      public static void makeDraggableStage(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Make a stage moveable by click and drag on the scene. This is useful for undecorated stages.
      stage -
    • retainWindowPosition

      public static void retainWindowPosition(javafx.stage.Window window)
      Request that a window retains its position and size even when hidden.
      window -
    • makeTabUndockable

      public static void makeTabUndockable(javafx.scene.control.Tab tab)
      Make a tab undockable, via a context menu available on right-click. When undocked, the tab will become a floating window. If the window is closed, it will be added back to its original tab pane.
      tab -
    • restrictTextFieldInputToNumber

      public static void restrictTextFieldInputToNumber(javafx.scene.control.TextField textField, boolean allowDecimals)
      Restrict the TextField input to positive/negative integer (or double) format (including scientific notation).

      N.B: the TextArea might still finds itself in an invalid state at any moment, as:

    • character deletion is always permitted (e.g. -1.5e5 -> -1.5e; deletion of last character).
    • users are allowed to input a minus sign, in order to permit manual typing, which then needs to accept intermediate (invalid) states.
    • users are allowed to input an 'E'/'e' character, in order to permit manual typing as well, which then needs to accept intermediate (invalid) states.
    • copy-pasting is not as strictly restricted (e.g. -1.6e--5 and 1.6e4e9 are accepted, but won't be parsed).
    • Some invalid states are accepted and should therefore be caught after this method returns.

      P.S: 'copy-pasting' an entire value (e.g. '' -> '1.2E-6') is regarded as the opposite of 'manual typing' (e.g. '' -> '-', '-' -> '-1', ...).

      textField -
      allowDecimals -
    • resetSpinnerNullToPrevious

      public static <T> void resetSpinnerNullToPrevious(javafx.scene.control.Spinner<T> spinner)
      Add a listener to the value of a spinner, resetting it to its previous value if it becomes null.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      spinner -
    • bindSliderAndTextField

      public static bindSliderAndTextField(javafx.scene.control.Slider slider, javafx.scene.control.TextField tf, boolean expandLimits)
      Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field with a default number of decimal places, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.

      This aims to overcome the challenge of keeping both synchronized, while also quietly handling parsing errors that may occur whenever the text field is being edited.

      slider - slider that may be used to adjust the value
      tf - text field that may also be used to adjust the value and show it visually
      expandLimits - optionally expand slider min/max range to suppose the text field input; if this is false, the text field may contain a different value that is unsupported by the slider
      a property representing the value represented by the slider and text field
    • bindSliderAndTextField

      public static bindSliderAndTextField(javafx.scene.control.Slider slider, javafx.scene.control.TextField tf, boolean expandLimits, int ndp)
      Bind the value of a slider and contents of a text field, so that both may be used to set a numeric (double) value.

      This aims to overcome the challenge of keeping both synchronized, while also quietly handling parsing errors that may occur whenever the text field is being edited.

      slider - slider that may be used to adjust the value
      tf - text field that may also be used to adjust the value and show it visually
      expandLimits - optionally expand slider min/max range to suppose the text field input; if this is false, the text field may contain a different value that is unsupported by the slider
      ndp - if ≥ 0, this will be used to define the number of decimal places shown in the text field
      a property representing the value represented by the slider and text field
    • installSelectAllOrNoneMenu

      public static void installSelectAllOrNoneMenu(org.controlsfx.control.CheckComboBox<?> combo)
      Add a context menu to a CheckComboBox to quickly select all items, or clear selection.
      combo -
    • createCustomListCell

      public static <T> javafx.scene.control.ListCell<T> createCustomListCell(Function<T,String> stringFun, Function<T,javafx.scene.Node> graphicFun)
      Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text and a graphic for a specific object.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      stringFun - function to extract a string
      graphicFun - function to extract a graphic
      a new list cell
    • createCustomListCell

      public static <T> javafx.scene.control.ListCell<T> createCustomListCell(Function<T,String> stringFun)
      Create a ListCell with custom methods to derive text for a specific object.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      stringFun - function to extract a string
      a new list cell
    • createDynamicStepSpinner

      public static javafx.scene.control.Spinner<Double> createDynamicStepSpinner(double minValue, double maxValue, double defaultValue, double minStepValue, int scale)
      Create a new Spinner for double values with a step size that adapts according to the absolute value of the current spinner value. This is useful for cases where the possible values cover a wide range (e.g. potential brightness/contrast values).
      minValue -
      maxValue -
      defaultValue -
      minStepValue -
      scale - number of decimal places to shift the step size relative to the log10 of the value (suggested default = 1)
    • createStepBinding

      public static javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding createStepBinding(javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue<Double> value, double minStep, int scale)
      Create a binding that may be used with a Spinner to adjust the step size dynamically based upon the absolute value of the input.
      value - current value for the Spinner
      minStep - minimum step size (should be > 0)
      scale - number of decimal places to shift the step size relative to the log10 of the value (suggested default = 1)
      a binding that may be attached to a SpinnerValueFactory.DoubleSpinnerValueFactory.amountToStepByProperty()
    • refreshAllListsAndTables

      public static void refreshAllListsAndTables()
      Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found throughout the application. This is particularly useful after a locale change.
    • refreshAllListsAndTables

      public static void refreshAllListsAndTables(javafx.scene.Parent parent)
      Call .refresh() on all the ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableViews found under a parent component, searching recursively. This is particularly useful after a locale change.
      parent -
    • getContents

      public static Collection<javafx.scene.Node> getContents(javafx.scene.Parent parent, Collection<javafx.scene.Node> collection, boolean doRecursive)
      Get the nodes that are included within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively. Without the recursive search, this is similar to Parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable() in most cases, except that a separate collection is used. However in some cases getItems() must be used instead. Currently this applies only to SplitPane but this may be used elsewhere if appropriate.
      parent -
      collection -
      doRecursive -
    • getContentsOfType

      public static <T extends javafx.scene.Node> Collection<T> getContentsOfType(javafx.scene.Parent parent, Class<T> cls, boolean doRecursive)
      Get the nodes of type T that are contained within a Parent, optionally adding other nodes recursively. This can be helpful, for example, to extract all the Buttons or Regions within a pane in order to set some property of all of them.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      parent -
      cls -
      doRecursive -
      See Also:
    • simplifyTitledPane

      public static void simplifyTitledPane(javafx.scene.control.TitledPane pane, boolean boldTitle)
      Simplify the appearance of a TitledPane using CSS. This is useful if using a TitledPane to define expanded options, which should be displayed unobtrusively.
      pane - the pane to simplify
      boldTitle - if true, the title should be displayed in bold
    • addCloseWindowShortcuts

      public static void addCloseWindowShortcuts(javafx.stage.Stage stage)
      Add shortcuts to close a window using the standard shortcuts (Shortcut+W, Esc).
      stage -
      See Also:
    • addCloseWindowShortcuts

      public static void addCloseWindowShortcuts(javafx.stage.Stage stage, Collection<? extends javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination> keyCombinations)
      Add shortcuts to close a window using the specified key combinations. These are applied as key released events, so they will not interfere with text input.
      stage -
      keyCombinations -
      See Also: