Class CommandLineTaskRunner.CommandLineProgressMonitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class CommandLineTaskRunner.CommandLineProgressMonitor extends Object implements SimpleProgressMonitor
A SimpleProgressMonitor that sends progress to a log.
Pete Bankhead
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandLineProgressMonitor

      public CommandLineProgressMonitor()
  • Method Details

    • startMonitoring

      public void startMonitoring(String message, int maxProgress, boolean mayCancel)
      Description copied from interface: SimpleProgressMonitor
      Set the plugin to monitor, and begin monitoring. Note that since SimpleProgressMonitor are not intended for reuse, this method should only be called once.
      Specified by:
      startMonitoring in interface SimpleProgressMonitor
      message - The message to display
      maxProgress - The progress value considered complete.
    • updateProgress

      public void updateProgress(int increment, String message, ImageRegion region)
      Description copied from interface: SimpleProgressMonitor
      Update the displayed progress, and optionally inform the PluginRunner that data related to a specified image region has been updated. If progress >= 1 this indicates that the task is finished, and the monitor may stop.
      Specified by:
      updateProgress in interface SimpleProgressMonitor
      increment - update progress by the specified increment
      message - optional message that may be displayed to reflect the current progress status.
      region - optional region of the image that has been changed; in interactive mode, this region may be repainted.
    • pluginCompleted

      public void pluginCompleted(String message)
      Description copied from interface: SimpleProgressMonitor
      Notify the monitor that the plugin has completed its work. This is called automatically by updateProgress if progress >= 1, but may also be called if the plugin was cancelled or otherwise terminated abnormally.
      Specified by:
      pluginCompleted in interface SimpleProgressMonitor
      message - message to show upon completion.
    • cancelled

      public boolean cancelled()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleProgressMonitor
      Returns true if cancel has been requested, for example by the user pressing a 'cancel' button.
      Specified by:
      cancelled in interface SimpleProgressMonitor