Package qupath.lib.gui.scripting.richtextfx.stylers

package qupath.lib.gui.scripting.richtextfx.stylers
Classes for syntax styling in QuPath's script editor.
  • Class
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on Groovy or Java syntax.
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on JSON syntax.
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on Markdown syntax.
    Styling for plain text (which really means no styling).
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on Java .properties and .cfg file syntax.
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on Python syntax.
    Interface for classes that apply some styling to a RichTextFX's CodeArea.
    Class with static methods to fetch all the available ScriptStylers.
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea for XML.
    Styling to apply to a CodeArea, based on YAML syntax.